Thursday, 24 May 2018

Some Hidden Google Secrets

Easter Eggs are fun , hidden features in famous softwares and websites. Being one of the most used websites in the world, Google has its own share of them.

1. Askew - Askew is a word which means slanted or out of order. Type in askew in google search and find your web page going ASKEW

2. Do a barrel roll - Well, do a barell roll! And Google does it.

3. The answer to life, the universe and everything -If you've ever read 'The Hitchhiker's guide to the Universe', you'll know Google's answer. 42

4. Pac-Man - Type Pac-man into the search bar and you'll find you can play the evergreen classic.

5. Bacon numbers - You can find how far hollywood stars are from Kevin Bacon in Google

That's all for now, have fun!